What role can cannabis play in fighting COVID-19

Before looking how cannabis might be able to combat Covid-19, let’s take a look at how this virus attaches to the lungs making it more dangerous than other COVID strains, or even Influenza.
Using proteins on its surface, the COVID-19 virus attaches itself to the receptors found on cells in the human body, especially those in the lungs. That’s why there’s such a major respiratory element.
But why is COVID-19 more dangerous than other, similar viruses? Because the COVID-19 strain is particularly well suited to attach to ACE2 receptors, which are found most abundantly in the deeper parts of the lung. Whereas, with other viruses, they tend to be better adapted to using cells further up the respiratory tract, such as in the throat or the mouth.
By entering the deeper parts of the lungs, COVID-19 is more likely to cause breathing problems or pneumonia, which can be fatal. In around 80% of cases, the symptoms are very mild, from asymptomatic to a cough and a sore chest. However, in a minority of people, the elderly or those with underlying health conditions, COVID-19 can progress from a mild illness to a more extreme condition. The most common serious complication is know as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
What Can Cannabis CBD Do?

In recent years, research into the medical application of cannabidiol (CBD) has surged. This compound is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid present in cannabis. It has been shown to be effective in the treatment of many medical disorders, most notably multiple-sclerosis, anxiety and sleep disorders. But it is also possible that it may be of benefit for treating certain complications related to COVID-19.
CBD is a vasorelaxant, meaning that it reduces vascular tension, lowering blood pressure. High blood pressure increases the risk that COVID-19 will lead to serious complications. Coupled with the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD, then it is possible, if used in conjunction with other medical treatments, that CBD could be a safe way to lessen the danger of COVID-19 in people at risk.
Alongside high blood pressure, COVID-19 is known to cause clotting of the blood, which can lead to heart attacks and blockages in arteries. In animals, cannabis extracts have been shown to thin the blood, thereby reducing the risk of coagulation and the possible consequences of it.
Early research suggests that one effective way of preventing serious complications from COVID-19 may by using oral solutions containing CBD. As already discussed, COVID-19 binds particularly to the ACE2 receptors, and as the illness progresses the levels of these receptors are changed. One study found that by using oral CBD solutions, the levels of ACE2 receptors were able to be lowered or modulated ‘in high risk tissues.’ If this is shown to be the case, then it is possible that CBD could be used to counteract the negative effects of the virus. In animal models, it has been shown that changing the levels of ACE2 receptors is essential for lung function, in relation to the the SARS virus – the complications of which are very similar to those of COVID-19.
Reducing severity and impact
Cytokine storm syndrome refers to a type pathogenic immune response. When the body’s immune system responds to foreign infection, the whole body becomes inflamed, allowing cells to respond. However, in certain instances and illnesses, the immune response can go into overdrive, at which point it becomes pathogenic and leads to hyper-inflammation, which can have serious consequences. Cytokine storm syndrome causes too many cytokine proteins to be released in response to a virus, and these proteins can, counter-productively, attack the lungs.
Both CBD and THC have been shown to reduce inflammation. Indeed, two pieces of research from Israel indicate that these cannabinoids may be up to two times as effective at reducing inflammation when compared to corticosteroid dexamethasone, an potent steroid which is used in serious cases of COVID-19. It is important to note that so far, neither of these studies have been peer reviewed, meaning conclusive judgement as to the effectiveness of these compounds cannot yet be drawn, making it important to do more and wider research into the medical application of cannabinoids.
We’re Not Doctors, But We Know Cannabis Seeds!
Killabeez does not employ medical experts, and whilst we do our best to properly source our references, anything stated here should not be understood as medical advice, nor should any of the treatments mentioned be used in lieu of current medical practices. This article is written with the exclusive intent in furthering medical research into cannabinoids.
However, we are experts in cannabis seeds. If you’re looking for a high-CBD strain that still has a therapeutic level of THC, we recommend CBD Lemon Potion Auto by Barney’s Farm. These cannabis seeds are available at a very affordable price while offering nearly 15% CBD but only about 7.5% THC. That’s a groundbreaking 2:1 CBD to THC ratio that’s only recently become available on the open market.
If you’re new to cannabis and are looking for something more medicinal than recreational, CBD Lemon Potion Auto fits the bill, but it’s not psychoactive free. There will be a mild but still perceptible effect that’s calm and dreamy, much like a low-dose sedative.
Killabeez does not employ medical experts, and whilst we do our best to properly source our references, anything stated here should not be understood as medical advice, nor should any of the treatments mentioned be used in lieu of current medical practices. This article is written with the exclusive intent in furthering medical research into cannabinoids.
However, we are experts in cannabis seeds. If you’re looking for a high-CBD strain that still has a therapeutic level of THC, we recommend CBD Lemon Potion Auto by Barney’s Farm. These cannabis seeds are available at a very affordable price while offering nearly 15% CBD but only about 7.5% THC. That’s a groundbreaking 2:1 CBD to THC ratio that’s only recently become available on the open market.
If you’re new to cannabis and are looking for something more medicinal than recreational, CBD Lemon Potion Auto fits the bill, but it’s not psychoactive free. There will be a mild but still perceptible effect that’s calm and dreamy, much like a low-dose sedative.